Latest Past Events

Diabetes and Nutrition

Virtual Online Classes

Learn about the different types of diabetes, basics of diabetes management, and the role of nutrition, activity and other important factors in optimizing blood sugar levels and complication risks.


Vivir con Diabetes: El Conocimento es el Poder (Temecula)

Graybill Medical Group - Temecula Office 31537 Rancho Pueblo Road, Suite 102, Temecula

¡Aprenda a cuidar su diabetes con esta clase gratis, informative y práctica! Presentado per educadores certificadoes en la diabetes. Aprenda los principios básicos del cuidado de la diabetes, la planificación de comidas y la nutrición, y más! Llame al Departamento de Marketing de Graybill al (760) 291-6909.  


Living with Diabetes: Knowledge is Power (Escondido 2nd Avenue)

Escondido Office - 2nd Avenue 225 E. 2nd Avenue, Escondido

Learn how to take care of your diabetes with this informative class! You’ll learn Diabetes Care Basics, Meal Planning/Nutrition, Medication Management, How to Reduce the Risk of Complications, and more. Taught by Certified Diabetes Educators. Free to Graybill patients and their family members! Call 760-291-6909 to enroll.
